Mr. Clemons and the Young Ladies who Sell the Pastries
The Waterfield Center has a Canteen that serves food to staff and patients. Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, TN, had given the Center $5000 to start the Canteen.
The Canteen is managed by Mr. Christian Clemons, a 65-year-old local man, who is doing very well. He is a hard worker and a man with vision who has made great progress and brought in more income compared with his predecessors. Having a Canteen is another way Dr. Hena has made the Center more self-sufficient.
Mr. Clemons hired four young ladies. One works in the kitchen with him and the other three travel around Kakata and sell the pastries that he prepares. Before the medical staff get to the clinic in the morning, the ladies have already left with their pastries to sell. Breakfast is served for the staff in the morning, and Mr. Clemons also uses young students to help him.
“People in Kakata are buying the pastries and the news is spreading about how good Mr. Clemons pastries are,” said Dr. Hena. “He cooks a variety of food for staff and patients, and the dental team enjoyed his cooking very much while they were installing the dental equipment. Mr. Clemons has been a blessing!”
Mr. Clemons and Helpers Pastries for Sale